Registered Charity Number 1159834

Rainbow International exists to empower LGBT rights activists working in countries where lesbian, gay, bisexual and  transgender people are criminalised and face persecution.

2015 saw progress in terms of LGBT equality, from same-sex marriage and the passing of the Gender Recognition Bill in Ireland to same-sex marriage in the constitution in the USA. However, in many countries across the world the battle for LGBTi rights is barely just beginning. There are 78 countries where being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans is criminalised. 40 out of the 53 Commonwealth countries retain old colonial anti-LGBTi discriminatory laws.

“Until we are all free, we are none of us free.”


Solidarity wins!!

Method of operation:

– Makes grants to individual LGBT human rights activists

– Makes grants to grassroots LGBT rights organizations. Our funding is directed to small grassroots groups that are best placed to make a real difference with limited resources and often struggle to find funding.

What services Rainbow International LGBT Activist Solidarity Fund provides:

  • Human rights/harmony/equality/diversity
  • Education/training

Where Rainbow International LGBT Activist Solidarity Fund operates


We work principally in the countries where being LGBT is criminalized and where people continue to be persecuted on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.  2.9 billion people still live under laws that criminalize same-sex relationships. That’s nearly half of the world’s population. Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is illegal in almost 80 countries, and in at least five of them is still punishable by death.  Trans* people are marginalized – often in extreme forms – in virtually all societies, in all parts of the world.

Rainbow International exists to empower LGBT rights activists working in countries where lesbian, gay, bisexual and  transgender people are criminalised and face persecution.

2015 saw progress in terms of LGBT equality, from same-sex marriage and the passing of the Gender Recognition Bill in Ireland to same-sex marriage in the constitution in the USA. However, in many countries across the world the battle for LGBTi rights is barely just beginning. There are 78 countries where being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans is criminalised. 40 out of the 53 Commonwealth countries retain old colonial anti-LGBTi discriminatory laws.

“Until we are all free, we are none of us free.”


Solidarity wins!!

Method of operation:

– Makes grants to individual LGBT human rights activists

– Makes grants to grassroots LGBT rights organizations. Our funding is directed to small grassroots groups that are best placed to make a real difference with limited resources and often struggle to find funding.

What services Rainbow International LGBT Activist Solidarity Fund provides:

  • Human rights/harmony/equality/diversity
  • Education/training

Where Rainbow International LGBT Activist Solidarity Fund operates

We work principally in the countries where being LGBT is criminalized and where people continue to be persecuted on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.  2.9 billion people still live under laws that criminalize same-sex relationships. That’s nearly half of the world’s population. Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is illegal in almost 80 countries, and in at least five of them is still punishable by death.  Trans* people are marginalized – often in extreme forms – in virtually all societies, in all parts of the world.